Power your people. Power the planet.

We can’t escape the current talk about climate change, and we shouldn’t. Part of our world is literally burning up. My heart goes out to those in Australia, who are suffering unprecedented devastation to their land, the wildlife, and their way of life. We are starting to experience many more natural disasters as the planet heats up. We are at a point where we must rethink our choices and start acting even when inconvenient.

I am running a people consulting company and perhaps people may wonder what this has to do with a blog about the planet. It’s quite simple – if we do not take care of our people, we are not creating a system that is sustainable for our planet or for business.

Broadening Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Another way to think about how to take care of your employees and the planet at work:

1. Food, water and warmth = fair and equitable pay, clean water and air

2. Safety = access to healthcare, a workplace free of harassment, discrimination, and health hazards

3. Love & belonging = a culture where people are inclusive, and employees can be themselves

4. Esteem = recognition for contributions, a respectful environment, respect for the environment

5. Self-Actualization = fulfilling potential, giving to others, serving a greater purpose

My first few clients have genuinely wanted to provide all of the above for employees, but it’s not always easy. It takes an active and deliberate focus in order to keep up with pay, benefits, and a culture where people want to come to work. It takes even more effort to create a place where employees feel they can thrive, give back to others, and be deliberate about sustainable business practices.

Whether you are running a business, punching a timeclock, or staying at home to care for kids, most of us can simply do more to advocate for people and for the planet. If you start with a few deliberate actions, you may be surprised to see how your business will thrive. Just think what a team volunteer activity to clean up a local park does: it brings your people together, gives them time away from their work to talk and socialize, and they are doing something good for the planet at the same time. Knowing an employer sets aside time for this will make employees feel thankful, appreciated, and they will likely feel connected to a greater purpose. It’s a win-win.

Our Goals for People and the Planet

For 2020, my family has set a goal of doing more for the environment and the community. We have talked a lot about what that looks like and we are busy trying to put words into action. One small step is to simply refuse to buy plastic water bottles. We carry our water bottles everywhere, and if we are stuck in need of water, we choose aluminum.

For Volta People Services, it was easy to commit to becoming a member of 1% for the Planet, which means we will provide at least 1% of gross earnings to non-profit organizations focused on the environment. It may not seem like a lot, but we feel it’s important to start with action, and this is our first step.

Our business is people, and we love nothing more than when the planet, people and business come together. Your business will thrive when your people and the planet do.

Let’s work together for a brighter future,
