The ABC's of Rapid Reorganization

We are in a period of exponential change. It used to be that restructuring organizations would be thoughtfully planned and executed over a period of months. Today, rapid reorgs are the norm. The economic shifts and resulting business complexities brought on by the pandemic play heavily into this new model.

Are you facing a reorganization? Do you know where to start? I created the “ABCs of Rapid Reorganization” in response to the accelerated job and work changes going on in business right now.

I have used these tools and tips at many companies before. It usually starts with someone telling me they want to move a person or a team around or out of the organization. It’s an immediate sign to me to start asking questions to assess the business objectives. These questions are relevant if you are growing, shrinking, or just changing, and they help more quickly build out a sound solution. By knowing the “why” from the beginning, you will have the foundation for a solid communication strategy.

The ABC’s below will help you expedite the necessary changes, and more efficiently and effectively reorganize your work and teams. With a good partner, you can rapidly fly through the below steps, resulting in better business decisions with a thoughtful approach on how to navigate the people side of the changes.

The ABCs of Rapid Reorganization Slide One.jpg

Follow these steps to ensure that you are making the right decisions and considering the impact on the people who power your organization.

Volta People Services offers a toolkit to help you expedite these changes even further. The toolkit can easily be scaled and branded for any organization. It includes:

• A one-page Overview of the Organizational Design Process

• Scope Assessment: Quickly determines the scope of the change with an Excel-based formula

• Individual Impact Assessment: Determines the individual impacts to people or teams

• Organizational Design Question Bank: Help leaders and HR professionals more carefully think through the change and business needs

• Communication Plan Template: Plan out and manage the change

Reorganizations are challenging in the best of times – and we are currently nowhere near the best of times. To successfully launch and complete a reorg right now, follow the ABCs.

Interested in learning more? Reach out and let’s talk.
